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Operative Profile – Mitrios - 08/12/2008

Real Life First Name: Mike
Forum Handle: Mitrios
Main Character Handle: Mitrios
Main Character Bluepill Name: Michael Prevost
Server: Recursion
Organization: Cypherite

Where in the real life world do you live?

I live in New Jersey just a few miles from the Ocean.

How long have you played The Matrix Online?

I have played since around August of 2004 during beta.

What other MMOs have you played?

I personally have played about 5 minutes of Star Wars Galaxies and I've done a few random betas for other games. I do like City of Heroes/Villains though.

What type of work do you do?

Currently the closest thing to work that I do is being a glorified Taxi for my Grandmother.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

My earliest memories of gaming are linked to trips I took with my mother to the local shop-rite. They had a small arcade in which you could leave your kids while you did your shopping. I remember playing games there and loving it. As far as what games I like the most, there really isn't a set pattern. Since I myself am filled with a lot of randomness…my likes and dislikes are also rather random. Mostly I play games that I can also play with my girl and recently that consists of GTA: 4 and NBA 2k8.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?

I mostly just like hanging out and playing some 360, card games, or watching movies. I also like to watch Heroes and American Gladiators with my girl.

What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?

I have 2 level 50s.

How or why did you choose your main character's name?

Well, back in the day I tried to get a bunch of names, but all of them were taken, I just pulled Mitrios completely out of the air.

What Branch (Coder, Hacker, Operative) and ability tree is your main character?

I am currently an Operative Duelist, though I have been known to be a Hacker and Spy from time to time.

Why did you choose the Branch and ability tree that you did?

During the first combat system I mostly used Martial Arts. I really miss having 160% health regeneration that was the best. After they changed the combat system I started with Martial Arts again but it didn't have the same feel as it used to, so I tried out the Gunmen ability tree. I really enjoyed it so I stuck with it and I think I'm rather good with it.

Is your main character in a crew, if so, what rank is the character?

Yup, I am captain of the Babel Fish.

Is your main character in a faction, if so, which one and what is their faction rank?

I am a rank one captain in the faction I made with Misfit1, La Sombra.

What was your favorite chapter?

I enjoyed chapters with the Unlimits. I love when NPCs pop out of no where and attack me…I wish it happened all the time.

What is your favorite neighborhood?

I like Chelsea, I enjoyed when they made that area a hostile zone. I'd just hang around the Lion at the South West hardline sending tells to people trying to get them there so I could shoot them. Oh and I named the Lion there, his name is Richard.

Who is your favorite NPC?

I'd have to go with Cryptos, he is one of the most interesting characters in the game to me.

What is the most $info you have ever spent at one time and what did you purchase?

I have spent 100 million each on Merovingian and Machine Organization Area Keys, and I spent 90 million on a players entire code archive of Bits and Fragments, which was far better then farming them myself.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so, what is it and why do you keep it?

I have the Flint gun and Fly in Amber. I only keep them because I don't recycle rare items but there really isn't any other reason to.

What do you like best about The Matrix Online?

I love the movies, all 3 of them, and being able to be even a small part of that is a very cool concept. MxO is really a part of me now at this point and important events in my life have happened while playing this game. It will be in the back of my mind forever because of it.

How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?

Well my best game related experience playing would be winning my FM-1500. That took a lot of work and I really do enjoy having it. My best real life experience while playing MxO would be that this is where I met my girl, the most important person in the world to me.

Do you run or work for an MxO Fan Site or Radio Station?


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The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.