Real Life First Name: Alex
Forum Handle: Mave
Main Character Handle: Mave
Main Character Bluepill Name: Alex Gonzalez
Server: Recursion
Organization: Zion
Where in the real life world do you live?
I live in Los Angeles, California; with Chemuel, and our son Pablo.
How long have you played The Matrix Online?
I started playing in early beta, though I have a secret shame I might as well tell everyone now. I was never at the "End of Beta" event, I had to work that day. So even though I was in beta, I missed the best event in game.
What other MMOs have you played?
I tried Lineage 2, City of Villains, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Final Fantasy XI, and World of Warcraft.
What type of work do you do?
I work as a Computer Administrator for a middle school in Los Angeles and go to college.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
My old Nintendo with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt is what got me started in all this madness.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?
Just to name a few, I play Dance Dance Revolution, Initial D, paintball, watch anime, and sleep. I used to play console games like the Final Fantasy series and Chrono Cross, but I've been without a TV for 2+ years now. I used to play a lot of GoldenEye, but no one plays me anymore on account that they hate losing so horribly. I'll dust off the old Nintendo 64 if I can find some competition. Recently, a lot of my time goes toward raising my son Pablo since Chemuel likes to ignore our son sometimes.
What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?
My highest level character is level 50. I hated the grind, but it was worth it in the end.
How or why did you choose your main character's name?
I used the name Maverick a while back, but everyone and their mother would use it online for stuff. When I was creating my first Initial D card, I couldn't put in Maverick so I put what could fit and still make sense. From that day forth, the name Mave was born. Not as awesome as other stories people have for their handles, but I like my handle. Though recently, I have been trying to use Berries&Cream as a handle as well (for obvious reasons). Some of the old handles I used on MxO included AgntJuevos, Kuroikumo, Takane, and SimpsonsNerd just to name a few.
What Branch (Coder, Hacker, Operative) and ability tree is your main character?
I play with all the trees really. Though the trees I use most often are Sniper and Master Knife Thrower.
Why did you choose the Branch and ability tree that you did?
I was just like everyone else and wanted to relive the whole crazy Martial Arts thing from the Matrix films. After the Combat Revamp I grew tired of Interlock, so during the ability buy back period, I coded the entire Spy and Hacker Tree, and the rest was history.
Is your main character in a crew, if so, what rank is the character?
Mave is the First Mate of the Hover Craft Terra.
Is your main character in a faction, if so, which one and what is their faction rank?
Mave is in Fallen Horizon and they are quite possibly some of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. They're more than just faction mates; they're practically like my family, except I refuse to play LOTRO with them.
What was your favorite chapter?
My favorite has to be the whole Neo-In-A-Bottle/Anome story arc. It was awesome! Second would be between the "Morpheus was shot" chapter and the chapter when the Truce between Zion and Machines was shattered. Everyone was at each other's throats. It was very entertaining. I don't know the Chapter numbers, I just remember certain events.
What is your favorite neighborhood?
I don't have a favorite neighborhood; I like all of the Mega City. If I had to choose one specific spot, it would be a building overlooking the ocean in Tabor Park.
Who is your favorite NPC?
My favorite NPC is the Effectuator. He reminds me of myself if I could manipulate the world around me.
What is the most $info you have ever spent at one time and what did you purchase?
The most info I ever spent was on leveling/coding all these ability trees. The most I ever spent on an item would be a Sakura Bandana as a gift for an old friend of mine.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so, what is it and why do you keep it?
I love and keep all the event items I've gotten throughout my time in the simulation. My favorite of all of those I would have to say is my Neo's Insight. It reminds me of the early times of this game and I occasionally try to activate Neo's Insight in the hopes that it'll actually work again.
What do you like best about The Matrix Online?
I like the game as a whole. The design, the game-play, and of course Hyper Jump and Bullet Time are all awesome things. The one thing that I like the most about this game isn't even an in-game feature…it's the bonds and other friendships I've made with the people of this community that make the game a whole lot more worthwhile. Though the best thing ever would be when Rarebit finally puts in those Heart Boxers I've been fighting for all these years.
How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?
Anytime I'm online playing with my friends is a best experience. Occasionally, you get the complainers who cry exploits with no evidence and just a hunch, but I've learned to just laugh at them instead. Some people just need to realize that sometimes, you just lost the game.
Do you run or work for an MxO Fan Site or Radio Station?
I used to do a lot. I worked for Algorithm:Black, I was the dude making the phone calls early on with the cryptic messages, did some work for MegaCity Times, and without a doubt the most memorable thing I ever did was be an Online DJ for I miss those days.
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