Real Life First Name: Michael
Forum Handle: Tesma
Main Character Handle: Tesma and Kybutra
Main Character Bluepill Name: Caitlin Boylan and Mike Rizzo
Server: Syntax
Organization: Machine / Cypherite
Where in the real life world do you live?
I live in Pennsylvania.
How long have you played The Matrix Online?
I've been playing since Beta; I don't remember the exact date.
What other MMOs have you played?
I've played World of Warcraft, Star Wars: Galaxies, Lord of The Rings, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, City of Hero's, and Final Fantasy XI.
What type of work do you do?
I work at a Hotel/Golf course doing IT (computer repairs, networking, security and so on).
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I first started playing games on the original Nintendo (8-bit Mario and duck hunt were awesome!) while everyone else had a Nintendo 64. So, I was behind in console systems for a little bit. When I got my first computer I started playing Delta Force, it was then that I became addicted to computer gaming. I like FPS games but they started to get boring after awhile so I switched to RPG/MMO games, which has held my attention ever since.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?
I love to play soccer when I'm not playing video games or working.
What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?
I have two level 50 characters.
How or why did you choose your main character's name?
My first character was Kybutra and I got his name by just hitting random keys on the keyboard while my eyes were closed. Tesma's name is made up from two games, The Elder Scrolls and The Matrix Online.
What Branch (Coder, Hacker, Operative) and ability tree is your main character?
Tesma is a Submachine Gun specialist and Kybutra is a Kung Fu/Karate Grandmaster.
Why did you choose the Branch and ability tree that you did?
I loved the use of Martial Arts and Guns in the Matrix movies, so I wanted to create characters that could do those two things that I loved about the movies.
Is your main character in a crew, if so, what rank is the character?
Tesma is on the Hovercraft Eternal Sun and Kybutra is on the Hovercraft Bullet Nips, no special ranks.
Is your main character in a faction, if so, which one and what is their faction rank?
Tesma is in the faction Sentience and Kybutra is a part of the faction called The Authority. Both characters are just members.
What was your favorite chapter?
I liked the Hunt for Morpheus chapter because Morpheus was my first Live Events character that I got to have a full out conversation with only to be code bombed a few minutes later. I also liked the chapter with the Novalis II crew and the introduction of the Masked Men.
What is your favorite neighborhood?
I don't really have a favorite neighborhood, but I do like all of Downtown at nighttime when the stars and moon are out.
Who is your favorite NPC?
My favorite NPC would have to be the Lupines and the Dire Lupines because they simply look awesome. They were the first NPCs I encountered that I kept dying to until I learned about silver bullets.
What is the most $info you have ever spent at one time and what did you purchase?
That would have to be 100 million on an organization key.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so, what is it and why do you keep it?
I had the glimmer of the source but one day I logged in and it was gone from my inventory, so all I have left is my Awaken Jacket. I keep that around because it reminds me of the good old days and the design of the jacket is just awesome. I do wish it was a little darker so it would match the rave pants more.
What do you like best about The Matrix Online?
I like the continuing story and all the good friends I have made in this game throughout the years.
How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?
My best experience would have to be when I first met Agent Skinner. He sent us out across all of Richland to look for Morpheus. Once we had found him we got into this really long conversation and it eventually led up to the first code bomb going off. Agent Skinner then showed up with 3 other Agents and they tried to detain Morpheus but he got away.
Do you run or work for an MxO Fan Site or Radio Station?
I do not.
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