Being relatively new to The Matrix Online, I thought it would be interesting to document my adventures and exploration of Mega City. These blog entries chronicle my adventures…
For this week's adventure, I headed into the Moriah Projects neighborhood which is just east of Achan and south of Tabor Park. Moriah is mostly composed of tall, nearly identical apartment structures. The first thing I noticed was that it was fairly run down and dirty looking. Then I thought about my new threads and wondered how to keep them clean…when I looked down and saw that I was too late. Oh, well, since I was already in Moriah (and also a dirty mess); I decide to check out the sites and maybe get some pictures of myself for my scrapbook. The first place on the map that I decide to check out was something called Moriah Courts. Once I arrive there, I found out that it was a playground with three basketball courts….courts…(get it?)…with a playground that had swings and monkey bars. I really don't like sports that much and I didn't want to get my awesome clothes all sweaty (sweat + dirt equals mud, yuck), so I decided not to shoot any hoops. I did swing on the swing set once though, when no one was looking!
The next place on the map that I really wanted to see was the Azimuth Monument. It was really cool looking! It's shaped like a huge upside-down V with spot lights shining on it. I had no idea what it meant or even what it was for, but thought I would look AWESOME in front of it…so I set the automatic timer on my camera and took a couple shots for my scrapbook. Even in dirty duds my photogenic nature shined through! Really, it's a gift.
The only other place I wanted to visit was the Sanguine Club, but as much as I like to party…it was still a little early in the day, even for me. I could focus on the libations and ladies later. So, I decided I needed a little adventure…and perhaps I could even score myself some new clothes along the way!
Everyone knows that the best place to find action is to find a collector. I found one named Jack!
Like them all, Jack came with some baggage. He was worried about his little brother who was falling in with the wrong crowd and trying to join the local gang of hoodlums called the Crossbones. Jack asked me to help him dissuade his little brother (yes, apparently I'm a social worker now too), from joining the Crossbones by making more of them dead. I don't know why I was surprised by this request. I think it's probably time I just embraced everyone's assumption that I'm a natural born killer because no matter what I do, I can't escape it. Maybe I have a face that only a mugshot could love? Anyway, I digress. Jack thought it will be easier to convince his brother not to join a gang if he could show him how dangerous the 'gang life' was. In his twisted little mind, scattering a pile of dead Crossbones around would make that argument a lot more convincing. I however, was NOT convinced…until he offered me a new pair of gloves for my services.
Jack wanted six Crossbones' gang tokens. That seemed reasonable, those hoodlums were easy enough to find. They were as common in this neighborhood as the dirty, dingy apartment buildings. So, I headed out to cause them some pain!
A moment later I was in the thick of it! Guess what? Those Crossbones weren't so tough! My kung fu was still better, little grasshopper, and I managed to plow through them like a hot knife through butter. I still didn't actually know kung fu, but I did know martial arts. As I was collecting my sixth skull and crossbones necklace, I did wonder how they kept their white jackets so clean in this dirty neighborhood. I made a mental note to come back later to grill them on laundry tips.
I met back up with Jack and handed over six Skull and Crossbones tokens. He was very thankful that I helped him and his brother out. Yeah, yeah, I'm a regular Mother Theresa. We all know what my real motivation was! Then I saw them. Jack offered up the gloves and they were beautiful. Not only did they look excellent on me, but they also increased my skills at combat…which was awesome! See? Everyone ended up happy. Jack kept his brother from the thug life; I got the sweet gloves, the Crossbones…well, okay, so maybe not everyone ended up happy. But in all honesty, I couldn't care less because it was time for me to relax and find some entertainment! You know what they say about all work and no play…
I heard a rumor through the grapevine that some guy named Effectuator was throwing a party at the Sanguine Club. I had no idea who he is but I liked parties, especially if there were ladies there, so I decided to check it out. I have to say, the Sanguine Club was rather interesting with its purple lights blasting everywhere. It was quite dark and spooky at first…like a vampire hang out. The place was packed, though. I don't think I had ever been to a party that crowded before. I was worried at first that there might not be room for someone of my caliber to shake his groove thing on the dance floor!
I had to hand it to that Effectuator guy; he really knew how to throw a party. Everyone was dancing and having a great time, and I was no exception. The Effectuator was handing out candy, which everyone seemed to like. I, however, had to pass, as my mom always taught me never to take candy from strangers. Of course, the next time I run into him, he won't be a stranger anymore, right? I'll have to consult with mom on that one. After dancing with all of the ladies (they dug me as always), and having a blast, it was time to call it a night and head home.
As I left the Sanguine Club and headed out of the Moriah Projects, I thought about what my latest adventure had taught me. (Keep in mind that I was a little tipsy). First off, you should never judge a book by its cover. Even though Moriah Projects was dirty and run down, there were still some cool sights to see – like the Azimuth Monument. Also, if you're going to wear white after Labor Day, you really need to talk to the Crossbones gang because those guys really pull it off. Finally, just about everyone looks smokin' hot under the glow of purple lighting. I'll be back for that candy, Effectuator!
Until next time,
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