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Operative Profile – Pyraci - 02/19/2008

Real Life First Name: Darriel
Forum Handle: Pyraci
Main Character Handle: Pyraci
Main Character Bluepill Name: León Reno
Server: Syntax
Organization: Merovingian

Where in the real life world do you live?

I live in Virginia.

How long have you played The Matrix Online?

I have been playing since November of 2004.

What other MMOs have you played?

The only other MMO I've played is EverQuest II.

What type of work do you do?

I work as a programmer, using a Xerox-based printware program.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

I got into gaming when I saw Star Wars for the Atari 2600. At the time, I was a toddler, but I was hypnotized by it. I later got an NES for my seventh birthday and have been hooked on video games ever since. My favorite genres are role-playing games and fighting games. I'm a HUGE Tekken/Soulcalibur fan!

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?

I've been drawing and sketching since I was four years old, and I've devoted much of my life to studying art. I also play guitar, develop websites, study Wing Chun Kung Fu, philosophy, and history.

What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?

My highest-level character is 50.

How or why did you choose your main character's name?

Pyraci was a creative spelling of Piracy. I wanted to give the character a name that had to do with rebellion and being against conformity and censorship.

What archetype and ability tree is your main character?

Pyraci uses a martial arts blend of Kung Fu and Aikido.

Why did you choose the archetype and ability tree that you did?

I designed Pyraci to lean more toward guns, but I found myself more comfortable with martial arts, so I kept him that way.

Is your main character in a crew, if so what rank is the character?

Pyraci is the captain of his ship, The Cenobite.

Is your main character in a faction, if so which one and what is their faction rank?

Pyraci is a rank one captain in Abaddon.

What was your favorite chapter?

My favorite chapter would be "The Hunt for Morpheus." There was so much going on then, and tensions were high. Not to mention random times the Assassin would show up and cause chaos. Good times!

What is your favorite neighborhood?

I really like Center Park. It's an open area and the skyline is gorgeous in high detail.

Who is your favorite NPC?

I would have to say Veil. Her character is one of the most intriguing of the entire post trilogy cast.

What is the most $info you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

I'd probably have to say about 20 million for buffed clothes just after CR 2.0 was released. It set me back, but the advantage in PvP was worth it.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

I would say my Fly in Amber. I haven't used it in a couple of years, but it reminds me of one of the most entertaining periods in The Matrix Online.

What do you like best about The Matrix Online?

I like that The Matrix Online is about the story of the Matrix; a story that redefined much of what I thought was possible in art and film. It opened the door for me to pursue and study philosophy. I also like that the game allows us to look at ourselves and how we see the world around us in this setting, which I honestly prefer over the mass of cloned "Tolkien-esque", quasi-medieval games out there. It's a pleasant retreat from the norm in that sense.

How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?

I wrote a role-play story about Pyraci called "Fault:Error" that was designed to be the end of his character. It was written as a single story, but it caught on with some of the others in the community. Eventually, ChloeAnn and Fara (Eleutherophobia) started interacting with him and it turned into a series of player events and forum posts (similar to Algorithm:Black in some cases). It gave most of the people on the server something to do and look forward to, as well as allowing some of the Merovingian faction leaders who were bickering at the time, a chance to play together and work as a team. I think it also defined Pyraci as a character.

Do you run or work for a Matrix Online Fan Site or Radio Station?

I used to run a site for my faction that also stored general information about resources and live events in The Matrix Online. I am looking at building another site dedicated to it, though.

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The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.