It's time once again for the article formerly known as the "Other Side"!
Wow, what a week! We got DN1 established a bit more with articles up every day, I hope the trend continues but we need to get some more players submitting Player Event Announcements and Recaps! Don't be shy with those, I'll be sure to include those in the weekly articles as long as they get to me in time (Monday for the Announcements and Wednesday for the Recaps).
We had some forum updates which should improve performance and stability. I know both of these are things we hold dear to us. I have also heard quite a few people concerned about performance and stability and I think we're making some progress in making the forums an enjoyable place for everyone.
What else is going on? Well, I checked out the latest Cinematic and I must say I was impressed with it! The story behind it was pretty darn cool and the actually cinematography that was done is pretty neat as well. I think you'll be impressed.
Finally, I have to apologize for these articles not being as in-depth as you might be used to. I don't have quite the insight of my predecessor but I think moving forward I'll have some juicier stories to tell.
Until next time,
-Raijinn Discuss this article on
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