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Operative Profile – ArchDuke - 02/26/2008

Real Life First Name: Corey
Forum Handle: ArchDuke
Main Character Handle: ArchDuke
Main Character Bluepill Name: Cranton Sentile
Server: Syntax
Organization: Zion

Where in the real life world do you live?

I live in northeastern Arkansas.

How long have you played The Matrix Online?

I have played since March of 2005.

What other MMOs have you played?

I play World of WarCraft a little and I have tried Ultima Online, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Tabula Rasa and Guild Wars.

What type of work do you do?

I work at my college's radio station in production, do voice work for a production studio, and perform bass trombone for area orchestras and bands.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

My dad bought an Atari 2600 for me when I was about 3 years old and an NES shortly after that. I grew up playing the ever-evolving console systems with an affinity for fighting games and shooters. Nowadays, I usually stick to MMO's and rhythm-based games like Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania, Amplitude, Guitar Hero, Rez, etc…

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?

I play in a lot of ensembles, both classical and jazz, as well as in our Pep Band. I'm also a member of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Fraternity. I do video/audio/photo editing and collect bicentennial quarters as well.

What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?

ArchDuke is level 50.

How or why did you choose your main character's name?

When I first started playing Dance Dance Revolution, a friend and I were talking about our favorite songs to play. I played the song 'Dam Dariram' a lot. He commented that I was the King of Dam Dariram. I responded with "No, I'm the ArchDuke of Dam Dariram". The rest is history.

What archetype and ability tree is your main character?

I use Expert Rifleman/Sniper or Data Miner.

Why did you choose the archetype and ability tree that you did?

Neo said it best, "Guns, lots of guns". I always tend to prefer ranged weapons in games, be it from my Victory or a fireball. I'm just not the 'meat shield' type.

Is your main character in a crew, if so what rank is the character?

ArchDuke is captain of the HvCft Nuria which is Hebrew for "God's Fire."

Is your main character in a faction, if so which one and what is their faction rank?

ArchDuke is a Rank 1 Captain and the leader of The GoodFellas.

What was your favorite chapter?

I don't mean to jump on the bandwagon, but I really enjoyed the chapters with the Assassin and Morpheus's death. One of the earliest screenshots I have was of Morpheus's 'body' on display in Sobra Shores.

What is your favorite neighborhood?

Chelsea is my favorite neighborhood. It has wonderful views and makes for amazing screenshots. Go to Chelsea NW and see for yourself.

Who is your favorite NPC?

The Chessman.  He was the first Contact I met.

What is the most $info you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

That would be when I spent 450 million $info plus several items for a Glitch Kitty.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

I have Neo's Insight still. It's a nice reminder of how long I've been with this game and how much fun I had in the old days as a bumbling noob.

What do you like best about The Matrix Online?

First of all, what I like most about The Matrix Online is the close-knit community we have. I've made so many friends through this game and have had countless great experiences. Also, the fact that we get new content and story material nearly every week keeps me immersed in the Matrix universe. There is nothing else like The Matrix Online!

How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?

That would have to be a tie between the day the N30 Agents attacked everyone in the city (my first event ever) and meeting the Oracle for the first time. I had a blast and got my cookie out of it!

Do you run or work for a Matrix Online Fan Site or Radio Station?

I have been an Internet DJ for several stations including Radio Killnine, Stellar Radio, RMC: Terminal, and currently at Catzi Radio.

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The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.