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Battle of the Bands—A Piece of Blue Sky: Reloaded - 04/04/2006

A Piece of Blue Sky: Stolen

It seems the Sleepwalkers played a bit of an April Fools joke on the operatives in the Matrix. Whether the concert was interrupted by the Sleepwalkers or whether it was their plot from the beginning remains a bit of a mystery. Could one of the “Security Guards” have said something the leads to the truth? Only those who were there on the final day might know.

If you weren’t there at the beginning of the finale, you missed the announcement of the Sleepwalkers’ intentions. Originally, we had an initial announcement as well, although things didn’t quite work out for us to get them in. However, due to popular demand, we’ve made both announcements available on the website.

Upcoming Event Announcement

Finale Announcement

A Piece of Blue Sky: Reloaded

Apparently, there was some disappointment that there was no actual concert this past weekend. Well, the Sleepwalkers may have interrupted this one, but why waste the concert venues now that we have them? And that’s what the Battle of the Bands concert is about.

From April 25 through April 30, we’ll be playing music videos inside The Matrix Online at the A Piece of Blue Sky concert venues. Our goal: Three one-hour video segments that we’ll roll on the big screens during those six days.

Between now and April 9, we’ll be accepting music submissions to be played as part of the event. We’ll be choosing music for A Piece of Blue Sky: Reloaded from the submissions we get. If someone you know plays music that fits the Matrix genre, make sure you send them over to the Battle of the Bands entry page!

Of course, we also need video for the screens. Hopefully, some of the bands will provide their own. Then there’s also the matter of those “Show Off MxO” videos we’ve had in our back pocket for the last few months. That’s right—the Show Off MxO videos will be played inside The Matrix Online.

However, that leaves room for more player videos. If you’ve made in-game videos you’d like to see played during A Piece of Blue Sky: Reloaded, put the link on this thread. Keep in mind we’ll be adding Battle of the Bands winners to the videos, so we’ll be stripping any music on them out for the event.

Leavin’ on a Jet Plane

And, of course, we’re doing all this while much of the company will be in Atlanta for Fan Faire. I’m actually in San Diego right now and will be hopping a flight out to Georgia tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing some of you there.

We’ve got a lot to take care of in the next few weeks, but it’ll be worth it to bring A Piece of Blue Sky to The Matrix Online. Sans Sleepwalkers this time, I hope.


The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.