Real Life First Name: Justin
Forum Handle: Shinpseudo
Main Character Handle: Shinpseudo
Main Character Bluepill Name: Justin
Server: Syntax
Organization: EPN
Where in the real life world do you live? Chicago, Illinois, USA
How long have you played The Matrix Online? I have played since Beta, many, many moons ago.
What other MMOs have you played? I have played Lineage, Lineage 2, EverQuest Online Adventures, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the Rings Online.
What type of work do you do? I'm the Creative Director for a design agency in Chicago. This mostly consists of hands-on graphic design, digital design, and managing our creative process.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? I guess when I really started playing video games was when the NES came out. I remember faking being sick to stay home so I could be the first one at school to beat Mike Tyson in Punch Out (which I was; b00ya!). Broadly, I like the fighting genre (Street Fighter, especially), some role-playing games (anything from Shenmue to Oblivion...the really immersive ones), and action games like Heavenly Sword.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online? Other hobbies and activities I enjoy are painting, sculpting, Japanese calligraphy, playing my Gretsch, getting tattoos, feeding my coffee addiction, and spacing out.
What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online? My highest level character is Shinpseudo who is level 50.
How or why did you choose your main character's name? My online handle for years has been "pseudo" but it was taken already. "shin" in Japanese (can) mean "true"; "pseudo" means "false". I chose "Shinpseudo", then, as a reference to the dichotomy between the Real and Simulation worlds. It was my 12-second attempt at something meaningful when securing a name.
What archetype and ability tree is your main character? My main character is a Karate Grand Master, with a little of each of the other 2 martial arts trees.
Why did you choose the archetype and ability tree that you did? I knew before I even jacked in the first time that I wanted to be able to do 2 things: kick stuff all fancy-like and shoot stuff; just like "the One". Martial arts certainly helps me accomplish the former.
Is your main character in a crew, if so what rank is the character? Indeed he is; Rank 1 Captain of the HvCft Diabolus.
Is your main character in a faction, if so which one and what is their faction rank? Shinpseudo is the faction leader of TrueHumanity, which just celebrated its 2 year anniversary.
What was your favorite chapter? Any involving the Assassin; there was such a sense of dread and doom during that timeframe, with his killing of characters (Morpheus and Agent Skinner), severe injuring of others (Ookami), and the way the Simulation itself began to degrade (corroded monuments, massive fly swarm clouds, the Corrupted, Complete Corrupters). His background and thought process were immensely fleshed out over time. The corresponding Live Events were dramatic and intense; in addition, Agent Pace and the Novalis II crew were introduced in that timeframe.
What is your favorite neighborhood? I'd have to say Hampton Green is my favorite neighborhood. It has the high-rise office buildings, older buildings with more character, spotlights, enormous flashing neon signs, broadcast almost feels slightly Blade Runner-ish when the sun goes down.
Who is your favorite NPC? I think the character design of the Nightmare is brilliant. In my opinion it'd have been nice along the way if they were fleshed out a bit more, rather than just used as mission thugs.
What is the most $info you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? Around 30 million, I think...that I'll admit to.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? The flit gun; I used it to take down one of the Assassin copies at Uriah Wharf.
What do you like best about The Matrix Online? What I like best about The Matrix Online is being given the opportunity to be a part of the ongoing storyline of the Matrix franchise. There's always something to investigate, figure out, or be a part of. In my opinion, it beats running to the tavern to get a quest to kill 7 chickens for an elf named Timbletub.
Describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online. My best experience playing The Matrix Online has to do with everything involving direct interaction with Live Event characters, like interlocking Veil and Cryptos, tracking down and fighting the Assassin numerous times, etc… One of the more interesting timeframes was during the course of our faction's transition from Zion-aligned, to EPN-aligned. Already internally questioning our direction on whole, we were then livid when Niobe agreed to work with the General and train his Commandos. My good friend and co-captain Deaconfrost and I obtained EMCP devices from various contacts, and hunted down the (named) Commandos nightly as they jacked in. I think we took down 5 in total.
Do you run or work for a Matrix Online Fan Site or Radio Station? No, I do not. Shinpseudo however does have a data node (Click here for the link).
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