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Update 63 - 09/18/2008
HvCFT OS Update 63: --

Featured Changes

The Matrix Online Story Continues in Episode 11.2!

Chapter 11.2 will begin with a new critical mission on Friday, September 19, and another new mission on each Thursday after that for the next four weeks: 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, and 10/16.

New Moods and Emotes

Added the following new moods and emotes:

  • /mood cold - requires level 16 - character shivers
  • /mood umbrella - requires level 18 - character pretends to hold an umbrella in one hand, and checks for rain
Note: these modes have no special "sit" animations, so the character will use the default sitting animations.

  • /confused - character acts confused
  • /deafened - character acts as if a loud noise has hurt their ears
  • /eyedrops - character acts as if they are taking eye drops
  • /pickupdesk - character bends as though picking something off a waist-high surface
  • /pointme - character points at themselves
  • /put - character bends as though putting something down on a waist-high surface
  • /rush - character pumps their arm upward quickly several times
  • /talkdepressed - character talks in a depressed manner
  • /throw - character acts as if they are throwing an object overhand
  • /toss - character acts as if they are tossing an object underhand

Collector Updates
  • New Exile activity has been noticed in Pillsen. A new collector appears on the map in north Pillsen
  • Six pairs of Sleepwalker shoes are now available from collectors near Debir Court
  • The Sleepwalker collector has been split into two collectors, one with men's items, the other with women's items

Changes and Improvements

  • Added a metallic highlight effect to Ookami's claws
  • Added "Magnum" to the name of the Enhanced level 50 FM-1100s, to match the names of the unenhanced versions
  • Increased the skin/clothing color variety of bluepill pedestrians appearing in missions
  • /em messages now appear inside asterisks to prevent players from faking System chat messages. While players can still paste in a line break and a second message (using the CTRL+Insert "paste" command) that would appear without a preceding asterisk, the initial line beginning with an asterisk should be a tip-off that the following message(s) could be fake
  • Added /logstart, /logstop, /listemotes, and /commands to the Slash Command>Utility section of the chat window "Emotes and Commands" button's list
  • Reduced the shiny glaze on men's Ivora Slacks

Bug Fixes

  • Decaying Code consumables now appear in the Tools tab of the Actions panel
  • Throw resistance bonus will now work properly
  • Fixed a typo in the System chat message appearing for the target of a male character's /point emote. (Thanks Doleo and M4cE for testing assistance)
  • Fixed low level Sleepwalkers having access to high level submachinegun abilities
  • Fixed an incorrect gender reference in the operator's text in the second phase of Merovingian mission 3.1.2
  • Fixed a delay in the defender's hit animation when interlocked by a dual-pistol attacker who is using Grab (thanks Vinia and Tsusai). Also fixed a similar delay vs single sub-gun attackers in Grab
  • Simulacra will now accept attack orders on hostile players when the attacker is on a mission
  • Fixed some billboards that were embedded in slum buildings
  • Fixed a typo in the first phase of Machine mission 7.1.3
  • The System chat message that appears for onlookers when two people perform the /bangbang emote now gives their names in the correct order
  • Fixed a capitalization typo in the message that appears when you enter an area with an increased chance of Agent attack
  • The mouseover text for the chapter FX items no longer says they grant the FX "while equipped"
  • The message seen when a team member in another district attempts to recall you no longer starts mid-sentence
  • Fixed some gang NPCs who were spawning in the ground in Slums
  • Upon reaching level 8, you are no longer told that you will lose code items from your inventory if you die. When you reach level 9, where code items do start being lost from inventory on death, you will now receive a message to that effect
  • Collars on the following suit & dress types will no longer change color when a coat is worn with them:
    • Metro Long-Sleeved Catsuits
    • Sif Leather Fighting Dresses
    • Richland Fighting Dresses
    • Arasiki Vinyl Dresses
    • Arasiki Sleeveless Vinyl Dresses
    • Razorgirl Motorcycle Suits
  • Fixed a grammatical error in the message that appears when you try to equip an ability whose prerequisite abilities are not of sufficient level
  • Fixed a typo in the system chat for the /pound emote
  • Standardized spelling of "Inner Strength" (from "inner strength," "innerstrength," etc)
  • Fixed a capitalization problem in the system message seen after tapping a data node
  • Trying to use an item while sitting no longer tells you that you have to be standing to use "a pill"
  • Fixed a typo in the description of Processor Lag 1.0
  • Fixed a garbled message that appears if a mission tries to give you an item when your inventory is full

The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.