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Operative Profile – Anamodiel - 02/12/2008

Real Life First Name: Chris
Forum Handle: Anamodiel
Main Character Handle: Anamodiel
Main Character Bluepill Name: Laura Hawkins
Server: Vector-Hostile
Organization: Zion

Where in the real life world do you live?

I live in Michigan.

How long have you played The Matrix Online?

March 6, 2005 was the first day that I jacked in. I remember that date specifically because I got the pre-order for my birthday (which also came with an invitation to the Beta), and I immediately jacked into World 1. I was here for some of Beta, the end of Beta, and have been stuck here ever since.

What other MMOs have you played?

I've dabbled in Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, but The Matrix Online is first and foremost in my book.

What type of work do you do?

I'm a high school senior, but I work part-time at an insurance company filing return mail. It's tons of fun! Really, it is. They let me listen to my iPod and I can arrive at work whenever I want — just as long as I get in a certain amount of hours and finish all of my work. I'm actually very lucky to have the job, as it fits in well with my schedule.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

Well, I grew up in the '90s, so the first game I played was Doom II. In 2000, my cousin introduced us to Unreal Tournament GOTY Edition, and I've been hooked on FPS games ever since. I still even play the original Unreal Tournament!

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?

I'm on my school's ski team and Varsity Quiz bowl team. My ski team has been a lot of fun this year (we have a big group of seniors on it who are four year veterans of the program), and the weather has been great to us! It's only melted the snow on our hill once (rather than melting it three times like it did last year). Our Varsity Quiz bowl team is pretty cool, too, even if it sounds a bit nerdy. I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar, though, but if they were to ever ask Matrix Trivia, I'd own them!

What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?

I have two level 50's, Talauntiar on Recursion and Anamodiel, my main character, on Vector.

How or why did you choose your main character's name?

The name "Anamodiel" (pronounced as "Anna-Mode-Ee-Elle") was originally created by a friend of mine. She and I always had a "thing" for Elvish names, and I asked her to create a female name for me. She told me that she wasn't "in a mode" for Elven and didn't feel like thinking one up right then. The phrase "in a mode" struck me, and I formed the basis of my name around that. We're all in a mode of thinking when we're in the Matrix, and I believe that my name reflects my own mode.

What archetype and ability tree is your main character?

I switch between two loadouts. In a group PvP situation, I'm always the Patcher/Upgrade Master hybrid who keeps the team alive. I daresay that I am one of the best healers on Vector, and my build is based not only on raw heals but also on maximizing the potential of my team. When I'm not PvPing in a group, I love to dabble in Kung Fu and Karate. Something about interlock still makes me swoon and remember why I play this game.

Why did you choose the archetype and ability tree that you did?

I chose to be a Martial Artist for the same reason that most everyone else did; it looks cool. I love being able to interlock someone who is trying to jump away and land some beautiful Kung-Fu abilities on the fleeing enemy. It's something of an adrenaline rush, too, when you meet someone one-on-one and duke it out. My desire to be a Patcher, though, stemmed from constantly seeing my faction mates die because we were not able to kill the enemy fast enough. It was hard, as a Martial Artist, to take out two separate people at the same time, and the solution came to me in the form of healing the person being hurt rather than killing the people doing the hurting.

Is your main character in a crew, if so what rank is the character?

I am the Communications Officer of The Veritas for the Furious Angels. DA6ONET is our Crew Captain.

Is your main character in a faction, if so which one and what is their faction rank?

I am in the Furious Angels under the command of Tbone. Being in the Furious Angels has been the best faction experience that I have ever had in my time in the Matrix.

What was your favorite chapter?

My first inclination was to say Chapter 1. I loved the Red-Eye Agents, the Code Bombings, the Assassin, and everything that followed from the events that the first chapter brought upon us. It really felt like everything had an underlying purpose, and some of the storylines set up by this chapter still plague us (Neo, Morpheus, etc.). However, I really liked Chapter 6, too. It was really well set up and felt like a reboot, of sorts, and re-created the tensions caused by the Truce that we hadn't really seen since Chapter 1. Like Chapter 1, Chapter 6 had a lot of depth to it and set it up for the "Truce" ending in Chapter 7. It wasn't as straight-forward as the rest of the Chapters and required some thought and investigation.

What is your favorite neighborhood?

I've always been partial to Chelsea and Creston North. Chelsea is as close to the water as you can get without big warehouses and filthy roads surrounding you. I love watching the sunrise as I'm coding at the Chelsea Satellite. Creston North is just simply a beautiful and calm place. You will find me randomly dancing there when I have nothing else to do.

Who is your favorite NPC?

That's an easy one, Balthial, the Angel from Pandora's Box. He's the only character who looks normal and has wings. He definitely reminds me of the Ultimate Furious Angel, even if he does wear a pink and white shirt.

What is the most $info you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

I don't really have to purchase anything, as I'm given all the extra female clothing everyone in our faction gets, as long as I pay for the Bits and Fragments required for coding everything out.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

I wish I could say that I had Neo's Insight or some other sweet item from a Live Event, but the coolest thing I have is a Glitch Kitty that I got from a Brewko event. Not that I'm not grateful for it, as it's very cool, I just wish I had an item from the old Live Events.

What do you like best about The Matrix Online?

Besides the aforementioned interlock, I love the entire Matrix Universe. The game brings me as close as possible to being in the Matrix, and I love it for that. Who else, in any other MMO, can say that they are able to continue the story of one of the most influential Sci-Fi Movies of all time? Only those who play this game and I would never give that ability up, not even for a second. My faction mates, the developers, and the community have all also kept me playing just as much as the Matrix itself. Everyone is so dedicated, it's almost infectious, and I love them for it.

Describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online.

While most Live Events get me excited, my best experience with the game has to be my induction into the Furious Angels. Eroz, DA6ONET, and ManicVelocity brought me to the Sai Kung Dojo. It was the end of my two-week trial run with the Angels, and Eroz, the Veritas's Captain at the time, told me to get to the Sai Kung Dojo immediately, but he didn't say why. I rushed over there, and they were there, standing in full Whites. Eroz then asked me to leave the Exercio Crew, and I was then accepted into The Veritas. It was one of my favorite RP moments of all time.

Do you run or work for a Matrix Online Fan Site or Radio Station?

I have horrible taste in music, as my faction mates can attest. If I were to be a DJ, no one but me would ever be listening. Needless to say, I am not part of a Radio Station. I did, however, write for The Megacity Times, but I don't really know what happened to that project. It was great fun reporting on the events in the Matrix, and we all felt very accomplished after Paul Chadwick mentioned us in one of his blogs.

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The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.