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Operative Profile – MetaLogic - 07/14/2009

Real Life First Name: Sean
Forum Handle: MetaLogic
Main Character Handle: MetaLogic
Main Character Bluepill Name: Sean Summer
Server: Recursion
Organization: Merovingian

Where in the real life world do you live?

I live in Concord, NC. We're known for Lowes Motor Speedway and Concord Mills Mall.

How long have you played The Matrix Online?

I have played for 3 years. I first jacked in around the time y'all had your first anniversary event.

What other MMOs have you played?

I have played WoW, EvE, and a few others I can't remember.

What type of work do you do?

I am a small business owner.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?

My brother used to have an Atari system. We would play racing games and flying games on it. It was a pretty simple system so there wasn't really much you could do with characters that look like they have square heads hah. I like Simulators the most; I have a Flight Simulator and a Train Simulator. I also like MMOs because some MMOs (like MxO) have such a great universe and great player base.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?

I am a Private Pilot, I like to camp, go to the North Carolina Mountains, and when I'm not working, I just like to chill.

What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?

That would be MetaLogic who's 50, all my other characters I use for RP purposes only, so there's no real need to level them.

How or why did you choose your main character's name?

Well before MetaLogic I had characters of different names, but I didn't really like those names. At the time I was with MCPD, and one of their members suggested MetaLogic and I made that my character's name.

What Branch (Coder, Hacker, Operative) and ability tree is your main character?

Rifles, or about any kind of guns, but he does love the boom stick.

Why did you choose the Branch and ability tree that you did?

Because of the shotgun, that's really the only reason. Before then I was Master Knife Thrower, I was Sub-Machine gun, and I was Kun Fu Grandmaster.

Is your main character in a crew, if so, what rank is the character?

I think he's just a crew member, someone else already has first mate and I could never lead a mutiny against Sieges.....or could I?

Is your main character in a faction, if so, which one and what is their faction rank?

Yes, he is in Familia Grigori, and I am in rank 1.

What was your favorite chapter?

Chapter 7 and 8 were definitely my favorites. So much stuff happened, you had Cryptos overwriting revealed, the whole Reinsertion was a lie, and then you had the event the night before the outbreak of War, and let's not forget the War arc. The war arc really brought life into The Matrix Online, for me at least.

What is your favorite neighborhood?

I would have to say any neighborhood in International and Downtown. Downtown looks so clean and crisp, and International has character to it.

Who is your favorite NPC?

As much as I hate it when I find them all in one room, I would have to say the Unlimits. They are hard to beat, but they do drop good Info.

What is the most $info you have ever spent at one time and what did you purchase?

Mainly access keys to construct, abilities, tools, and I right now I am trying to get a Merovingian Construct Key before the end here.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so, what is it and why do you keep it?

I still have my system suit and system glasses. I just like the way the glasses look, especially in the first Matrix when Smith was wearing them. I want a real life system glass that I could just wear all the time.

What do you like best about The Matrix Online?

The community, we are a small group, but we are a tight group, everyday it feels like Thanksgiving at DN1. We have family members joking, some fighting, and if you're in the South like I am, some making out.

How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?

The events, even the scaled down ones were the best, and I'd also have to say anything with FG is awesome.

Do you run or work for an MxO Fan Site or Radio Station?

I do not, but I do support MxO related website and radio stations.


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The Matrix Online is the future of the Matrix, picking up right where the trilogy left off. The revolution is over, but within the Matrix, a secret war still rages -- a war of control between the Machines, the Exiles, and the people of Zion. Join the continuing storyline of The Matrix where you decide who to oppose and what to believe. Only your courage and perseverance can protect the legacy of Neo's sacrifice. Jack in.