Real Life First Name: Jack
Forum Handle: HanzylandGretyl
Main Character Handle: Gretyl
Main Character Bluepill Name: Treva Hall
Server: Vector-Hostile
Organization: Merovingian
Where in the real life world do you live?
I live in Vancouver, Canada.
How long have you played The Matrix Online?
I pre-ordered the game so I've been playing since 3 days prior to the official launch.
What other MMOs have you played?
I've played EVE, World of WarCraft, Pirates of the Burning Sea, and Silkroad but none of them held my interest for long.
What type of work do you do?
I work for eBay.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I have always been a gamer, starting with pen and paper RPG's when I was like 10; I have fond memories of playing D&D. My mother would say that it was good for my imagination, math, and writing when asked about it by those who didn't approve. Since then I have probably played almost every tabletop RPG ever made at some point, so many in fact, I think Chemuel may be jealous. For console games I grew up in the age of great stories over graphics, where it didn't matter if you were a pixilated blob. A good story is a lost art these days as most new games focus on graphics. I've always liked the RPG, Strategy type games going all the way back to the Sega and Nintendo days.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing The Matrix Online?
I still get together with friends once a week for a Dungeon & Dragons session, I am an avid concert attendee, love listening to music, riding my motorbike, playing pool, discussing politics, and current news events.
What is your highest character level in The Matrix Online?
My highest level character is 50.
How or why did you choose your main character's name?
It's based off a band I saw in concert one night, Hanzel und Gretyl. I have always had two characters since launch so it worked for me.
What Branch (Coder, Hacker, Operative) and ability tree is your main character?
I am a jack of all trades. I have every tree in game except for Utility Master and Network Attacker. I switch sometimes on a daily basis.
Why did you choose the Branch and ability tree that you did?
I guess you could say I didn't choose, but I switch based on what's either needed for the task or what I feel like at the moment. Thus I'm probably no expert on any one tree. I don't mind though.
Is your main character in a crew, if so, what rank is the character?
I'm a Rank 1 Captain of the Hovercraft Maladomini.
Is your main character in a faction, if so, which one and what is their faction rank?
I'm in Les Enfants Terribles – Captain of the Hovercraft Maladomini and acting leader of the faction.
What was your favorite chapter?
Chapter 8 was my favorite chapter. It was where strength of character was defined for many people, Machine factions standing by their choice, Zion pushing for what they believed in, and us Merovingians benefiting off those struggles.
What is your favorite neighborhood?
Zia is my favorite neighborhood and it will always be a special place with me. I have fond memories of Heuristic running around as a noob breaking shields and helping out in Mass PvP there. It was our hardline, everyone knew it, and we defended it with everything we had. I miss that.
Who is your favorite NPC?
Flood – I love to hate him, but let's be honest, he sure beats the other organizations controllers.
What is the most $info you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
The most I have ever spent was 100 million $info on a key to the Chateau.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so, what is it and why do you keep it?
Every story item and collector item I have ever received I have kept even though none really have any special meaning to me. There is one item I wish I had gone out of my way to get and that was The Burning Eye Trench. I secretly hope they will offer it again.
What do you like best about The Matrix Online?
For me it comes down to a few things really. The community for one, after I retired Hanzyl I left behind great friends from Method on the Recursion server and I will always cherish those moments. After I shifted focus to Gretyl, I have since been able to spend time with 3 great Liaisons named Montesquiou, Tasvyder and Titchborne. I login to what I consider to be the best mini community in the game. I get to role-play my character on a server where people assume role-play is dead, because we don't sit on a bench chatting. Best of all it's a hostile server and your actions mean something here; you can't hide behind a flag.
How would you describe your best experience playing The Matrix Online?
To be honest, I just don't know where to begin. I guess I'll take the easy way out and say my best experience is meeting all of the players. Even if I have killed you in combat there are very few people in game that I have no respect for.
Do you run or work for an MxO Fan Site or Radio Station?
I host the LET website but it's nothing special outside the faction.
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